Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sleepless Nights

My favourite time of year is Autumn. It signifies change for me. The sun, the colours across the sky, the temperature outside and children back to school. Even our thoughts begin to change. We start thinking of what we need to begin our cold weather season with; putting our flower beds to sleep, a new exercise program, warmer clothing, crock pot recipes, stews and Christmas holidays.

One common theme I hear in the clinic is sleepless nights. It's very common during seasonal changes. Our body has to accommodate the change in daylight and the change in temperature.

I like to go easy on myself and pick a day during this change in season where I just slow down and stay in bed a little longer, whether I'm sleeping or not. I'll take an hour and a half walk outside and look at the leaves on the trees changing colour and falling off their branches.  I'll pay particular attention to the colour in the sky, as there is less yellow and more white. I feel the cool air on my face and hands. It may sound silly to some, but I'm letting my body know that the season is changing and we're alright with that. During this day I'll start to plan my schedule for the winter months, making sure I have fun stuff and Massages too! And to top it off I take a long soak in the tub.

Taking the time to welcome in the new season allows us to ease the stress of change and have better nights with longer sleeps.

Wellness to you,


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