Sunday, September 9, 2012

Easy on the Pressure

I recently had someone tell me that she just loved her Massage Therapist and she's been seeing her for about a month. She's inspiring and friendly and always has hot towels ready but she always uses too much pressure. So, she's looking for a new Massage Therapist. When I asked her about telling the Therapist to ease up she said that she did, but that didn't change anything.

I wondered then about how the conversation and communication went. There is definitely a time for deeper and heavier pressure however, if that pressure feels uncomfortable it's really important to get your Massage Therapist to lighten up on that amount of pressure. What's the point in having a massage if all you're doing is contracting those muscles that are already compromised.

Sometimes an area maybe particularly tight and almost any kind of pressure may feel uncomfortable, even painful. In this case it's important to tell your Therapist what you're feeling. We all tolerate pressure and pain differently and your Massage Therapist may not always know how you perceive it.

Take the time to communicate what you are feeling as far as the pressure goes and you maybe able to stick with the same Massage Therapist that you know. After all, we are here to help you feel better and I'm sure if a Massage Therapist is aware the pressure they're using is causing discomfort they'd ease up immediately.

Wellness to you,


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